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The Best Swag For Employees With Pets

The Best Swag For Employees With Pets
Amanda Sciabica
April 30, 2024

In this article

Our furry friends are more than just companions; they're part of the family. Recognizing and celebrating the bond between employees and their pets can be a delightful way to boost morale and foster a positive work environment. In this blog post, we'll explore creative and thoughtful swag ideas tailored for employees with pets.

Custom Pet Bandanas

Start the swag pack with custom bandanas for pets, featuring your company logo or a fun pet-themed design. This not only adds a touch of personalization but also makes pets feel like part of the team.

Large Pet Bandana

Branded Pet Bowls

Include custom swag pet bowls with your company logo. Practical and stylish, these bowls are a daily reminder of the pet-friendly workplace culture, enhancing the bond between employees and their furry companions.

Fido On-the-Go Dog Bowl

Personalized Pet Tags

Create custom pet tags featuring the employee's name and contact information. This thoughtful addition to the swag pack ensures the safety of pets while showcasing the company's commitment to personalization.

Cozy Custom Pet Beds

Elevate the swag pack with custom pet beds. Branded with your company logo or colors, these cozy beds provide a comfortable spot for pets to relax, creating a sense of inclusion in the workplace community.

Pet-Friendly Desk Accessories

Enhance the office space for pet owners with pet-friendly desk accessories. Consider custom swag items like paw-shaped mousepads, pet-themed calendars, or even pet-shaped stress balls for a touch of whimsy.

Custom Sticker Sheet

Custom Pet Toys

Bring joy to pets with custom swag toys. From squeaky toys to interactive puzzles, these branded items not only entertain pets but also serve as a constant reminder of the company's pet-friendly culture.

Custom Dog Toy

Pet Grooming Kits

Treat pets to a spa day with custom grooming kits. Include branded brushes, shampoos, and even towels with your company logo, adding a touch of luxury to the swag pack.

Pet-Friendly Office Supplies

Cater to the needs of pet owners working from home with custom swag office supplies. Include pet-friendly stationery, such as paw print sticky notes or custom pet-themed pens, to brighten up the workday.

Custom Backpack

Custom Pet Apparel

Extend the camaraderie with custom pet hoodies. Adorned with your company logo or a playful design, these are a fun reminder of your pets wherever you go. 

Custom T-Shirt

Pet Photography Session Vouchers

Go the extra mile by including vouchers for professional pet photography sessions. This thoughtful addition to the swag pack allows employees to capture precious moments with their furry companions.


Swag packs tailored for employees with pets not only demonstrate a company's commitment to its staff but also create a positive and inclusive workplace culture. SwagUp is your go to for all your custom swag needs to make these swag pack ideas even more special. Elevate your employee appreciation initiatives with custom swag that reflects the unique bond between your team members and their beloved pets. Happy swagging!

🐶Get started on your custom pet swag! 🐱


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