Fulfillment Performance
We know timing is everything. To that end, the SwagUp team behind the scenes continuously works hard to pack and ship out your swag as quickly as possible. If you're thinking about starting a swag project, and looking to understand what you can expect, here are the stats you're looking for. This page will report (refreshed daily!) where we stand with turnaround time from QA to mission complete, as well as the recent carrier delivery time performance for both U.S. and international shipments.

#ToTheMoon Swag Stats
Time to mission complete (Production Turn Times) is how many days it takes for your swag to complete production once payment has been received, arrive at our warehouse for QA and assembly, and then appear as available inventory in your SwagUp Dashboard. Time to deliver looks at how many days it takes your swag to arrive to your recipient's destination (for both domestic and international shipments) once scheduled to depart our warehouses.