Swag Success: Boost Membership with the Perfect Welcome

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Meet Molis Coaching
Molis Coaching is an online platform helping dentists everywhere grow their Invisalign practices with clarity and confidence. Started by Dr. Ryan Molis (the top solo Invisalign provider in the world!), the company has come a long way since the idea first came to light in a conversation between longtime friends and co-founders Ryan Molis and Scott Curran.
“Molis Coaching is a comprehensive, online community that has different video-based modules where you can learn the different aspects of marketing, ClinChecks, and in general how to do Invisalign the best that you can,” Jenna Gillen, Member Concierge at Molis Coaching, says.
The community is now over 1,000 members strong, and as it continues to grow, the Molis Coaching team wanted a thoughtful way to appreciate their members and create the best possible member experience.
“Oh yeah, I would for sure recommend SwagUp to a friend. And I would recommend you guys for any kind of onboarding with a company [...] We've definitely seen a lot more members recommending to other people like, look at this cool thing I got, and we're getting really good steady membership growth because of it.”
The Molis Coaching team had their eureka moment when a couple of the platforms they were using sent them swag. “We thought, huh, well, that's kind of a cool way of doing it,” Jenna says, “We wanted that same cool experience for our members, so we wanted to figure out a way to be able to do that for them.”
At first, Jenna looked into doing swag with another company. “They basically only did sports stuff. And they said, Listen, we'll get you a really good deal on your shirts,” Jenna says. But unfortunately, the company didn’t have a simple way for the Molis Coaching team to store and ship swag.
So it was back to square one. The Molis team did their research and took some more informational calls.
“We found other companies that were similar to you guys,” Jenna says, “But they kind of brushed us off because we are a new company and we're smaller. I think they thought we were all talk and didn't want to commit to action whereas SwagUp actually took the time to explain it and show us. And that's what really sold us.”

“We found other companies that were similar to you guys [...] but they kind of brushed us off because we are a new company and we're smaller. I think they thought we were all talk and didn't want to commit to action whereas SwagUp actually took the time to explain it and show us. And that's what really sold us.”
“It was just nice for somebody to actually take the time to be on our side of the playing field and give us a chance to incorporate swag into our membership even though we're new,” Jenna says. ”So yeah, that's why we chose SwagUp. It's just taking the time to really explain it to us and then also just be able to follow through what they say.”
Delivering Quality Beyond the Swag
The Molis Coaching team places a large emphasis on a high quality membership experience and for that they wanted the kind of swag that would deliver.

“The quality [at SwagUp] is great. That's one of the things I really like about y'all,” Jenna says.
The result was not only some killer swag packs, but also creativity in how the team has used swag to boost the membership experience for their community members.
“I'm going to give all credit to Scott Curran because it's such a good idea,” Jenna says, “[But] we've discovered we [can] use SwagUp for our virtual t-shirt cannon. So whenever we do Facebook live and things like that, having SwagUp and the ability to be like, Oh, you just made an awesome comment in this community. Let me send you a T-shirt. That's been such a hit. Our members are dying to get into the virtual t-shirt cannon.”
“Whenever we do Facebook live and things like that, having SwagUp and the ability to be like, Oh, you just made an awesome comment in this community. Let me send you a T-shirt. That's been such a hit. Our members are dying to get into the virtual t-shirt cannon.”
This is the kind of win most companies only dream about. “Our members are so excited,” Jenna says, “Some of our members' first experience with social media is being on Molis Coaching [...] so getting them on Facebook and into our community and commenting is a big like, whoo!”
“But then seeing them post it on their Instagram or share with their friends. That's really neat, too. And then with the T-shirt cannon, and the competitive nature of our members has been fun to watch too.”
The Verdict?
It’s a firm thumbs-up from the Molis Coaching team! “Oh yeah, I would for sure recommend SwagUp to a friend. And I would recommend you guys for any kind of onboarding with a company,” Jenna says. “We've definitely seen a lot more members recommending to other people like, Look at this cool thing I got, and we're getting really good steady membership growth because of it.”
“If you want to send even the smallest like thank-you gifts, what that does to a member really kind of just brings them kind of satisfaction in what they purchase. Because memberships aren't very cheap and being able to get some kind of reward and being able to like show your brand with pride is something that's hard to get and SwagUp let us do that.”

“Being able to literally collect like 400 email addresses within a week for us and get the T-shirt sizes, that was incredible. That was something we never thought that we needed to do before. But now we are able to add that into our sign-in program and it works really seamlessly.”
In terms of efficiency, the Molis Coaching team has also appreciated the ease of working with SwagUp. “I spent more time researching what company I should use then if I just went with SwagUp in the beginning and did it from the start,” Jenna says. “It's the same amount of time either way. It's just really quick, easy to use. And I'm excited for our continued relationship.”
“The ability to get help with any kind of situation, like I can email Dan and he’ll email me right back. The communication and the willingness to keep us as a business and the want to watch us succeed. I think that's been cool.”
As a final tip, Jenna recommends redeem pages for companies in similar situations. “When we started this, we didn't think like, Oh, we should probably be asking our members shipping addresses or t-shirt sizes, like we didn't know. So being able to literally collect like 400 email addresses within a week for us and get the T-shirt sizes, that was incredible.
That was something we never thought that we needed to do before. But now we are able to add that into our sign-in program and it works really seamlessly. So I think that was the most shocking. Even though we were late to the game, SwagUp helped us level up and be able to be at a playing field we can feel confident with.”
Shoutout to the Molis Coaching team for sharing their story and scoring big wins in a short time! 💪🏼 Inspired to start your own swag project? Reach out to a Swag Expert 🚀
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