HR & Culture
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Take your onboarding to the next level with Rippling

Take your onboarding to the next level with Rippling
March 10, 2020

In this article

Hiring is hard. It takes time, patience, and let’s face it, it never ends. Now you finally found some new hires to fill some seats. Onboarding is even harder. It takes time and an endless list to check off what is needed for a new hire to be set for success. Laptop, check, desk, check, email check, Slack access check, but wait, what channels should they be a part of? Salesforce, what admin rights should they have? A new hire’s onboarding process can set the tone for the person’s feelings about the company and if they made the right decision. A bad onboarding can lead you to square one back to the hiring board. Rippling takes all the guesswork out of onboarding. You set up rules and access points for each department once set up… smooth sailing for any new hires you bring on. In just a single click an employee can be onboarded with all the logins they need and information they need to on day one. 

How did Rippling start? 

Founder, Parker Conrad had a vision to free smart people to work on hard problems. To do this, he created one platform that deeply integrates with the most popular applications to unify all the systems across the company, including payroll, benefits, devices, and apps with hardware and identity management. While most comparable HR platforms focus on just the tools needed for HR, they often lack all the information needed for the new hire to get started, like what computer they use, which apps they get access to, or how to access their email. Administration hours are wasted on information that can simply be automated by just one platform, Rippling.  

How Rippling eliminates busywork

In just one click, employees are onboarded & offboarded
Yes, you heard it right, one click and you’re set. It’s that easy, offer letters, I-9s and any other documents needed for new hires are sent automatically. 

Select all the hardware & security
So your new hire has signed and is ready to go! What laptop do they need? Is it secure? No need to stress about going to Best Buy last minute to grab a laptop... Rippling hardware is part of your onboarding. On their first day, your new hires’ laptop arrives, preconfigured with your company’s preferences.

Applications & Single Sign-on  
Rippling is the first and only HR Platform to offer over 500 applications for you to select from. You can speed up your onboarding and guesswork by integrating with any of Rippling’s 500 applications your team needs to do their job. For example, you can create their Slack account and give hires access to specific channels, or provide Asana access so they can get up to speed on the task and projects at hand. Using Proxy, you can even grant building access and restrict access to areas they are not permitted. Rippling even included an option for swag integration using SwagUp, wherein one click you can send your new hire a branded welcome pack!  You can create smart rules, so any remote new hire is automatically sent a swag box to their door on day one, if they are in sales they get something specific, or when an employee gets married, automatically send their spouses something. 

See the full list of applications here. For more information on how to automate your Swag using Rippling click here. 

Easy Offboarding
As you can see, the onboarding process is seamless with Rippling, but they make off-boarding just as easy. No need to figure out what logins or access points need to be revoked. Rippling takes care of suspending any accounts and sending any documents, making off-boarding easy, for you and your employee. 

Since everything is connected with Rippling, HR managers save time and give a seamless onboarding experience to new hires. The days of having to manually create a bunch of logins and manually add hires to different access points are over. 

To learn more about Rippling click here. 

Ready to use the Swag?

Our easy-to-use dashboard enables you to quickly customize, manage, ship, and re-order swag.