Swag In The Wild
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Best Swag On the Internet – Oct 2022 Edition

Best Swag On the Internet – Oct 2022 Edition
October 25, 2022

In this article

Many may think swag is just an expense or something that is somewhat wasteful. Well, we beg to differ as we see more and more companies embracing the swag game as a key focus for brand awareness and recognition! Plus it’s a great way to create brand loyalty and so much more. 

💡Did you miss our Previous Editions? No worries click here to check it out! 

Each month, our team has been uncovering practical and creative ways companies are utilizing swag. We are always inspired and impressed with the ways swag is used as a marketing and branding tool. It even serves as a great asset to build a culture within remote work environments! Let’s check out some of the top swag ideas we found on the internet in October! 

⭐️ Featured Best Swag Of October

Cryptoys Web3 Party Giveaway 

Chipotle Customer Experience Swag  

LinkedIn New Hew Swag

Shopify Surprise & Delight Swag 

MicroAquire Client Swag Gifts

Notion Community Meet-Up Swag

Drata Employee New Hire Swag

Cryptoys Web3 Party Giveaway 

Who says the virtual world can’t meet the physical world? Well, that’s exactly how Cryptoys is using its swag for giveaways! Cryptoys toys make our list of best swag on the internet for its creative use case and it’s really giving us Hello Kitty vibes which we love! 

Swag Use Case: Conference giveaways & Web3 Swag Giveaways 

Photo cred & tweet by Steph Sutto

Chipotle Customer Experience Swag  

As if we couldn’t love Chipotle enough, we love them even more after seeing this surprise and delight swag that they sent a loyal customer. A customer of theirs posted tagging Chipotle praising a staff member for being proud of their steak and providing him a sample. Not long after Chipotle sent friendship bracelets for him to share the experience with the staff member! This is an entirely new level of customer loyalty and engagement! Bravo Chipotle for setting the bar! 

Swag Use Case: Customer Experience, Surprise & Delight 

Photo cred & tweet by @CaucasianJames

LinkedIn New Hew Swag  

We love new hire swag; especially when we see family members enjoy it just as much as the person receiving it. Our rule of thumb is if the swag isn’t getting snagged, you didn’t do it right. We love this new hire swag from LinkedIn and the joy it brings to families. This is what makes giving employees swag so great. 

Swag Use Case: New Hire Swag, Employee Onboarding Experience  

Photo Cred by Ashley Ward

💡 Interested in recreating something like this? We got you covered! Get started here! 

Shopify Surprise & Delight Swag  

Swag doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes the best swag is simple - like a nice pair of custom branded socks! Shopify makes our list for the second time for providing some unique swag to customers or simply just influencers. This surprise and delight swag makes our list for keeping it simple! 

💡If you missed Shopify’s swag last time, ohh you might want to check it out here. It’s really good! 

Swag Use Case: Surprise & Delight Swag 

Photo cred by Ryan Petersen 

MicroAquire Client Swag Gifts 

MicroAquire swag is constantly seen all over Twitter! They are doing this swag thing right in so many ways! They are using their swag packs to provide to team members, clients, influencers, and investors. They also do an excellent job of providing swag to people on social media that have a high follower count to help spread the word about their brand. Their swag is on point in terms of design and has a nice blend of swag options for people to post about. 

Swag Use Case: Brand Awareness, Investor & Client Gifts 

Photo cred & Twitter Post by Muhammad Taimoor

Photo cred & Twitter Post by @PabloLerdoNews

Notion Community Meet-Up Swag 

One can really admire how Notion has used community to build their business. Part of building that community was using swag to create brand awareness and loyalty. We love this Donuts + Swag cart that Notion offered at an event they did in New York City. The lines for this were wrapped around the block! Aside from all the posts they received on social media, Notion really did this right in terms of bringing on brand and providing members with some really nice swag! 

🔥Want to learn more about how Notion uses swag? Check out our Notion case study here!

Swag Use Case: Conference Swag, Giveaways for Event, Community Members 

Photo cred & twitter post by @yrechtman

Drata Employee New Hire Swag 

When clients ask us why it’s important to use swag for new hires, we always show them posts like these. You can’t create experiences like this without swag. Sending swag for new hires really shows them you care and welcomes them to being part of the team. This is especially true for workforces that are fully remote. Swag is a tool to help build connections and humanize the remote onboarding experience. We love the Drata swag and the excitement it’s bringing their employees!

Swag Use Case: Employee New Hire Swag, Remote Work Culture 

Photo cred & post by Noah Barnett 

Want to be featured in the next edition of Best Swag On The Internet? Send us your swag posts!

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